the sandwich's love, story .
picking her right one.
my week of 'school'
Saturday, April 24, 2010 7:38 PM

wow 3 days never go to school.from 20/4-22/4 it was so teribble with my headache and coughing and sneezzing. i just cant take anymore of my illnesses then today on my body grew some kind of black things.i feel quite scared wif it..... so that was my week.
after awhile not blogging
Friday, April 16, 2010 7:50 PM

today was my malay teacher's birthday.we did a surprise to her.and today is benedict birthday as well.then afer school i went ot hosea's house wif jojo.hosea wanted to run so i helped him practise.then hosea was like doing all sort of fun that was my day and  yesterday was the car making competition @ st.Andrews school,we did not win but the motorised won for speed and we kind of felt happy for them. (: