the sandwich's love, story .
picking her right one.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010 3:54 AM

sea cucumber
lays potato chips
and lots more
this are the names that my 'friends' use to call me
but am i suppose to be angry or just smile?
well usually i would just tell them to shut up then ignore but is it a good way to do that
i dont think so,ever since they called me all those names i been having alot of headaches since then.For those who knows who this people are don't ever DON'T EVER call me this name except for you(you know who you are)
my trip
Sunday, June 20, 2010 12:25 AM

 room was like a palace.Then on monday,we celebrated Maria's,my mum amd a few others birthday.Kak Maria's birthday was on the 13 jume while my mum was on the 17 june the other that we celebrated were from January's till june.Then we went back at around 2 am on tuesday.Then from Istana i moved to Depalma with my auntie and cousin who lived in KL to njust accompany.then that tuesday me ,my brother,nabilah,zurin and amsyar(3 of them r my cousins)played at Cosmo's world at berjaya times square.we did not have our parents with us.we all playes the adult games until every one got dizzy except for me.We took the monorail and LRT back to my cousins house.then we(me and my family with zurin and my auntie)went back to the hotel and slept .On Wednsday,me and my brother and my cousin,zurin went swimming after breakfast.Then all my cousin and my brother went to watch Karate Kid @ wngsa walk.It was so cool.The movie was absolutely funny.(i will want to watck it again)and the is is my first time watching a movie in KL.Then we ate at SUBWAY.I ate a italian B.M.T 6 inch sandwich with 2 last sunday i went to KL for kak maria's wedding.After the wedding i stayed in the Istana for one night. Thecookie.that was the first time i ate a SUBWAY sandwich.That night we went to my mum's cousin's house.That was the first time i meet my second cousin.On thursday was my mum's birthday and it was also the last day we were in KL.At noon time we went to my cousin's house just for a while.then after that we went to Johor to do some shopping then we ate BBQ chicken restaurant.then we head of to Singapore and tha was my trip.I felt sad for leaving KL so fast bu maybe next mounth i may be going again.:)
a little something
Thursday, May 13, 2010 9:23 PM

i lie in bed at night and pray
that you will thin of me
i cry until my eyelids close
and dream eternity

i wake to sunlight on my face
for a moment i forget
then a cloud passed by
and i relize this is it

i carry on throughtout the day
feigning joy and feeling pain
i look to gaze upon your face
and share a smile an embrace

the day is drawing to an end
and still i  think of you
i try to relax yet in my mind
i wonder what to do

so now i lay me diwn to sleep
and should you cahnce to think of me
know that i love you....etenally

by deiah addock
found in chicken soup for th soul
teens talk relationship

hoped you liked it :D
just for fun...
Friday, May 7, 2010 12:19 AM

to dian happy birthday you've turned 13 today.and yesterday aniq and tomorrow nabeel.
Blur like sotong
update only
Wednesday, May 5, 2010 1:30 AM

updated at hosea's house .the retarded one is hosea the no life one is M and the disgusting one is leonard.nothing much to do now cause exam time no time to bone hurts because of him....
my week of 'school'
Saturday, April 24, 2010 7:38 PM

wow 3 days never go to school.from 20/4-22/4 it was so teribble with my headache and coughing and sneezzing. i just cant take anymore of my illnesses then today on my body grew some kind of black things.i feel quite scared wif it..... so that was my week.
after awhile not blogging
Friday, April 16, 2010 7:50 PM

today was my malay teacher's birthday.we did a surprise to her.and today is benedict birthday as well.then afer school i went ot hosea's house wif jojo.hosea wanted to run so i helped him practise.then hosea was like doing all sort of fun that was my day and  yesterday was the car making competition @ st.Andrews school,we did not win but the motorised won for speed and we kind of felt happy for them. (: